Monday, February 28, 2011


Last year I had a housewarming and my friends got me these... cupcakes, ice cream cups and bowls.
A nice photo came out of it and thought I'd share.

I have nothing exciting to say.

The internal debate is on whether I put this blog on facebook or not. Once I make it a link on there, it's official. I will have stalkers I don't know about. I am happy having stalkers I know right now. Way back when I used to blog all the time. More like LiveJournal or Xanga. I got waaaay too personal and eventually realized my friends were reading it and I don't know, I stopped. I was also like 18. What the hell did I know.

Thinking of 18 year old me just got me looking through old folders of pics. I miss my old hair! Yea so I blurred my face, whatever.

I miss being able to dress 'young'. This was only 6 years ago!

Let's see what else I can find... ah, the tattoo I once wanted.

 A photo I took that never saw daylight. Now it has.
 Just a photo I took.
Ok I'm bored of this now. Goodnight.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Trent Reznor.

His Oscar win like 5 minutes ago just got me googling "Trent Reznor" because you know, that's what we do in 2011.
Is he on the current hottie list? Yes.
I can't believe I just said hottie.
I hate when the fire alarm goes off in my building. It's scary.

We have I think 23 floors and you never know whether it's some fucker who just like left their door open while cooking and the smoke went into the hallway or a real fire. I envision a huge fire every time and having to be stuck in the staircase with smoke everywhere.

Great, the security just said it' on the 4th floor. Noooooo. I'm on 10. Now I am picturing the smoke rising.

I will stand by with further instruction as security just said over the PA. I can tell it's Hari. He has an accent and can barely say what he's supposed too. It makes me feel embarrassed.

ok he's back. wtf. it's the 19th floor. that's better. I hear fire trucks now.

The good thing is the alarm is masking Kirk (kurt?) Douglas' speech thingie on the Oscar's. He's super old and it feels like he can barely talk. I don't want to hear it cause it'll likely make me sad. 

I may as well leave this one til there is a resolve. Cause well, you obviously care. This could be my last blog before I burn to death. There, my mind went somewhere dark once again.

Aww, Melissa Leo won the Oscar for The Fighter. Nice. HAHAHA! She just swore on live TV. love it.

Ok. Alarm off. False alarm. Ugh. So awkward. I think the security guards have a script during fire alarms cause they always say "Thank you for your consideration" at the end. That makes no sense. Someone fucked up the script.
I find it hard to do anything on a Sunday.

Woke up at 11 a.m.
Breakfast, TV, absolutely nothing
Nap on the couch from  2:30 - 4
4 - 5 Dinner, Smoothie
5:34 p.m. Now. Watching "The Real Housewives of Orange County"

Forcing myself to get up and work out. Tomorrow is boot camp. Bah. I realize I enjoy the stuff that involves weights but when it is something like the "Superman". Oh God. Yes, let me essentially lift my entire weight off the ground for 1 minute. I can't. I fail so quickly. Need to practice those.

Ok. 6 p.m. gym.

Stupid Monday tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Carrot Top

Is he worth blogging over? I don't know. What the hell happened to Carrot Top over time?
I feel like I only remember him from when I was younger and he'd always be on Regis and Kathy Lee.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Summerheights High.

Good show.

People I don't like

The chick from MTV Live.
Every time the show starts I make sure to quickly change the channel so I don't have to hear her voice. She feels fake to me. She has this stupid laugh and ugh, she needs to eat a Cheeseburger. Just don't like her.

.... and her. From Breakfast television. I used to watch it but now her voice gets to me. She makes stupid jokes and puns constantly and I feel like everyone around her secretly hates her.

End of hatred post.
No carbs for one month. Starting Monday.
I have some carbs in the fridge right now I need to get rid of. I can't let it go to waste, that's money down the drain! Should be done in the next few days.
I'm not ready. I need to try it though.

I gave up the red meat this year. I failed very small twice! I had a tiny bite of beef. But still going strong otherwise.

Side bar: I just got a knock at my door. No one knocks at my door! To my surprise, it was the woman I rent one of my lockers too here to pay up for another year. Score! $300. Meet my savings account. I'm boring.

Forcing myself to work out now. Nothing on TV.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Crafty Kathy

Once upon a time I used to do a yearly thing called The Clothing Show.
I miss it. I miss being creative and making stuff. The excitement of making something and seeing the final product.

Year 1: 2006. I made clothes then. I shared a booth with Fashion Whore. She's gone on to bigger and better things now. Sewing was fun.  I made that cherry top on the mannequin! :) Everything else is a mish mash of both our stuff.
Year... others. I switched to jewelry. Loved it much more. 

Good times. I met some fun people at these craft shows and made some quick money on the side. My boxes of beads are all currently in my closet.  They deserve a comeback.

Shameless plug: Check out my Flickr to see who I used to be.



So Loblaw's on a week-end afternoon seems to be like Costco, samples everywhere.
Love it.
I'm not one of those people who are sampling so I can have my lunch. I'm genuinely interested in trying new things. So last week-end I tried something.

Some good crackers... plain goat cheese... and this Aylmer Garlic & olive oil tomatoes. Mix the cheese and tomatoe's together and spread on cracker. YUM!

I enjoyed my first little bit so much I went for seconds. Yea, this is better in small doses. I feel barfy.

I also just google'd canned foods. Are they bad? I learned not ALL are bad, but most. Most are put in this chemical to keep it from going bad (makes sense) but still. This tomato thing. I feel like I could've got some tomatoes, olive oil and garlic and made it myself. Probably healthier.

The more you know!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


About a month ago. I made dinner for the fam. Can I cook? No. Can I go on google and find 'easy recipes'? Yes. Turned out well. See photo.
Here was the menu.
Asparagus with balsamic vinaigrette dressing
Spinach salad
Roasted potatoes
Zuchinni stuffed with rice and veggies topped with cheese and sunflower seeds
Chicken breast, stuffed with cream cheese and wrapped in bacon
Hummus (provided by my mom)
Sarma (stuffed grape vine leaves, from my mom)

That is all. I enjoyed it. I know, you care. I think I enjoy cooking but damn, it costs money. I fed like 12 people that night and yea, it costed me. I mean, I enjoyed it and was happy to do it. But ya, I can't do it very often.

I have vanilla frozen yogurt in the freezer and it's taking everything in me not to go have some right now.

la la la 11:30 on a Sunday night but I don't feel depressed that work is tomorrow. God bless holidays that arent really holidays. Family day. Day off.

I slacked Fri/Sat with working out. I had a plan in place but out of nowhere I got really busy and went out. Didn't help that I went to "Asian legend"... basically it's ordering a whole bunch of dishes and sharing. Damn you Cantonese Chow Mein, you are delicious. Today, I went to the gym twice. I love walking in and seeing no one there. I feel free-er. I blast cheesy music through my ipod without the fear that someone can hear it and is judging me.

I joined a boot camp. It's been a great help in teaching me new work outs at the gym. All the things I do there twice a week, I can all do at my gym too cause it's the same machines. I do want to buy one of those big ball things. Next time I'm out. How do you blow those up? With your own air? That's scary.

I'm rambling. Watching "600 pound mom" on TLC. I don't know why. Wait, I do. This is what is keeping me from going into the freezer to get that ice cream.

ok bye.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

It's Saturday.

I woke up at 11:30. Sold an old cell phone for $80 at 12 p.m. Came back home, felt weird so I went back to sleep from 1:30-5:30. Woke up, made dinner, went and worked out, and now here I sit watching shitty TV. What a day!

Tomorrow, I plan to be useful.