Monday, November 29, 2010


Thought I'd share some of my world at home.

My cookie jar that will never be filled with actual cookies.
A birthday gift. I'm very easy to shop for.

Current muse: Crate & Barrel.

Everyone has this thing.

I'm that person with the coloured Christmas tree.

Trying to do the whole 'un-even frames all over' thing. This is a start.


I'm back. For years (back when the internet was new and cool) I had a blog. I used to be very into it. Then I stopped. I want to come back... so here I am.
My blog used to be about my life and essentially acted like a diary. I like writing. I find it helps me get stuff off my chest.
The plan for this blog is a bit different. Not sure yet where it will go. I moved out of my parents house about 7 months ago for the first time (I am 26) and I feel like I'm still adjusting to this new life. I feel I've had a bit of a late start. But I finally feel free and like I finally have the space to be creative. My friend said it best "You are your mother's daughter". It's been stuck in my head. I am. I made fun of my mom as a kid cause she was always doing crafts, decorating the house or cooking. Yea, that's exactly who I am now and I'm having lots of fun with it. Thought I'd share the adventure!