Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I made a post recently that this blog is getting massive hits cause of my one Carrot Top post.
Look at the stats. What the hell!!

Avoiding this blog.
I'm super into my other blog now soooooo if you're a reader of this one, read that one instead!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Irregular Choice shoes are da bomb.


A few days ago I was creeping someone's facebook... someone I went to school with when I was real young. Through her photo's I saw someone else from those year's and just thought "Heyyyy, I remmeber you!" and it spawned all these memories.

I just saw her at lunch. It's been like 15 years. WTF!

I also had a funny moment yesterday. I don't feel like going into it so I'll give the quick notes.

Reception calls me saying "Someone is here to see you. You don't know her, but she knows you". Weird. I go, and as I walk up the lady realises I'm not who she thought I was. She was looking for Nora (same last name as me). WTF. She says she randomly walked into our agency and when she realised it was an agency she remembered her daugher's friend Nora (same last name as me) works in advertising so she'd test out her luck. So not Nora, but Narine works here. Odd. Anyways, we laughed for a sec and the random coincidence. Then she proceeded to try and set me up with her son. But he likes blondes, so I'd have to go blonde. Then, we realised we actually do know eachother (All Armenians do). She knew my family history and everything. It was odd. I later called my friend who's family knows her and yea, apparently she's a crazy lady haha.

So, what I'm saying is that there is a Nora (same last name as me) working in advertising. If you facebook creep her as I did, we listen to similar music and watch the same shows and movies. Who is she!?!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ok what the hell... I'm getting hundreds of views a week purely because of the one post I made about Carrot Top.
Too bad the rest of my blog isnt that interesting!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

This morning on the treadmill the following song came on and I remembered being obsessed with it like 5 years ago.
I think it may have started up again. Such an odd song.
lalalala I've been neglecting you, blog.
Friday. Love it. I have one project on the go and I plan to finish it as early as I can. Things keep coming up though. Noooo. Today is supposed to be easy.

I found this in a random google search for something else and I love it. I want to have a theme party. I don't think I know enough people who would come. Those who do wouldn't really care for the theme but would be there just for the food and/or drinks.

Ok I really have nothing to say right now because I'm consumed about work related thoughts.

Good Friday to you.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Just a frustration I feel like bitching about.

I got a seat on the subway this morning and I could tell right off the bat the lady next to me was going to be annoying. First she got all fidgety and took her big ass coat off which only revealed she had an oversized fleece sweater on underneath. lady, check the weather network in the morning, it's gonna be nice out today. Anyways, so after she does something I hate. Eat on the subway. She pulls out one of those Chinese buns with the ham and cheese. Delicious, yes. Not something I want to smell at 8:15 a.m. and hear being chewed. People need to learn to chew with their mouth closed. Anyways, when she was finally done she packed it away but then I could smell the ham breath. Then, she took out a hankercheif and constantly kept wiping her face down. No doubt cause she's sweating from wearing fleece on the TTC.

Anyways, eventually I zoned out and ignored her.

Reading this, she just probably sounds like a normal person but for some reason she bugged the hell out of me.

That is all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Been a while.
So, in a nutshell, the last 2 weeks have been consumed by working out and eating healthy. I feel like I'm suddenly on some life changing thing. Anyways, I started another blog which is more of a food diary. Helps me keep track of what I eat.

Thought I'd share it here...

Friday, April 1, 2011