Thursday, April 7, 2011


Just a frustration I feel like bitching about.

I got a seat on the subway this morning and I could tell right off the bat the lady next to me was going to be annoying. First she got all fidgety and took her big ass coat off which only revealed she had an oversized fleece sweater on underneath. lady, check the weather network in the morning, it's gonna be nice out today. Anyways, so after she does something I hate. Eat on the subway. She pulls out one of those Chinese buns with the ham and cheese. Delicious, yes. Not something I want to smell at 8:15 a.m. and hear being chewed. People need to learn to chew with their mouth closed. Anyways, when she was finally done she packed it away but then I could smell the ham breath. Then, she took out a hankercheif and constantly kept wiping her face down. No doubt cause she's sweating from wearing fleece on the TTC.

Anyways, eventually I zoned out and ignored her.

Reading this, she just probably sounds like a normal person but for some reason she bugged the hell out of me.

That is all.